Stripe is directly connected to the bank account you indicated when setting up your payment account in Harvie. Incoming payments are automatically paid out to you on a rolling basis. In the event of a member refund, funds are automatically withdrawn from your account on a rolling basis as well. Depending on timing, payments and refunds can be batched together for processing.
A simple example, if you had a pending payout of $500 and a member was issued a refund for $100, your payout would end up being $400.
Additionally, the amount that is withdrawn (or deducted from a payout) from your side is not going to match the exact amount indicated in the cancellation confirmation email. The amount in the email is what is ultimately paid back to the member. The withdrawal on your end is going to match the amount you initially received (ie. member payment less the example Harvie fee (10%) and credit card fee ($ .30 per transaction + 2.9%).
So another example, if a member makes a $100 payment, you are going to receive $86.80 based on the following:
$100.00 member payment
-$10.00 (example 10% Harvie fee)
-$3.20 (credit card fee)
= $86.80
Say this member was then issued a refund in the future for $100. The member would receive $100 back to their credit card on file and you would see a deduction of $86.80. The portion of the member's original payment that went toward the Harvie fee and credit card fee is reimbursed from Harvie.
The Payment List is the best option for viewing member payments and refunds in Harvie. You can access this via the "List" button under "Payments" on your dashboard, by selecting "Payments" from the left side menu or by going directly to this link:
Once on the Payment List, the "Status" column is going to help you identify member payments versus refunds. Payments will have a status of "SUCCESSFUL," "FAILED" or "OFFLINE." Refunds have a status of "REFUND." The Payment List can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. You can also filter this list in Harvie by Status by going to "Filters" in the upper right corner of your screen under your name, clicking the down arrow and checking off "Status" on the list. You will then see the option to choose a Status at the top of the report. Click on the green "Filter" button at the top right corner of the report to apply your selection.