The Logistics Manager allows you to build a set of routes for each day that you have deliveries. When you have set your routes and built your shipment, all of the labels on a delivery that are associated with a stop will be updated to include the stop order and truck number for that location.
This tool is helpful for anyone who has several stops that they deliver to on a single day, and is particularly helpful if you have multiple deliveries that are going to the same address on a given day.
It also prints each share on its own label, making it easy to print batches of labels that match your packing process, because you no longer have to separate them by hand.
To use this feature:
Click on the Logistics menu on the Harvie dashboard. You will see a list of upcoming and recent days for which you had deliveries.
Click the 'View' action for a day that you want to create shipping labels for.
On the Shipment screen, the Routes tab will display a list of unassigned stops that you can drag and drop onto a truck. As you drag and drop the stops, you will see the map update with the route.
If you have multiple trucks, click the "Add Truck" button. You can drag and drop stops between trucks or from the un-assigned column.
When you are happy with your shipment, click "Save Shipment".
Go to a delivery that delivers on the day you just worked with. When the delivery is finalized, print the labels as you normally would, or view the driver report. All labels and reports will now show the truck and stop number for all stops that were assigned to a truck/stop in the shipment manager. Un-assigned stops will print without truck/stop numbers as normal.
You can make changes to the shipment at any point, however you will have to remember to re-generate the labels if you make changes after you have already generated labels.
Exporting and Importing Shipments
The Shipment Routes tab allows you to export and import files that are compatible with Roadwarrior's and Route4Me's latest import/export formats.
Sample files for Roadwarrior can be viewed here. As of August 2021, RoadWarrior uses the .xlsx file format:
- Export from Harvie to import to Roadwarrior:
- Export your file from Roadwarrior and save it as a .xlsx file, to import to Harvie. You can import the whole file, however, Harvie uses the "Stops" sheet, so be sure to keep this as the sheet title.
Sample files for Route4Me can be seen here. Route4Me uses .csv file format:
- The Export Format tab is an example of the export from Harvie to import to Route4Me
- The Import Format tab is the format to import to Harvie, after exporting from Route4Me
If you are not using routing software to optimize your routes, you may still wish to create a file like this to make building routes faster. We suggest using the Roadwarrior format, keeping a few helpful notes in mind:
- The address column can be the street number only, or it can have the address formatted anyway you'd like as long as it starts with the street number.
- Content of all columns after the address column are ignored, but you must have the heading column titles present and in order.
- This file must be uploaded to Harvie as a .xlsx, and the sheet title must be "Stops".
- To add more Routes, split up the rows with a new row that starts with "Route:" in the "Route" column of the document.
Once you've prepared your file for import, click the "Import Routes" button at the top of the list of routes and upload your file. You should see all of the stops moved onto appropriate trucks, in correct order.
If any of the stops in your import file do not match the members in your delivery, a popup alert will appear, and the mismatched stops will be highlighted in yellow in the Truck list. They will be included in the stop order, but will not appear on the Labels and Reports tab, since there are no shares associated with them. Drag these rows into the Unassigned Stops list and click Save Shipment to remove them from your routes.
If there are members in your delivery who do not match any of the stops in your imported file, a popup alert will appear, and those members will remain in the Unassigned Stops list. They will not be included in your routes, and labels will not be generated for them. However, their shares and products will be represented in all other views on the Labels and Reports tab. To add them to your routes and generate labels for them, drag them to the appropriate position in your Trucks list and click Save Shipment.
Viewing and Printing Reports
The Shipment Labels and Reports tab allows you to view and download a list of the members receiving boxes in that day's shipment, and which shares each member is scheduled to receive.
Sort the rows in the table by clicking on any column header. Click again to reverse the direction of the sort. To sort on multiple columns at once, hold the "Shift" key while clicking on them in the desired order.
You can also filter the table on any combination of truck, location, stop number, share size, share type, and products requiring separate labels. Simply select the checkboxes for any items you want to include in the list. Within the filter categories, selections are inclusive. For example, if you select the Veggie share and the Meat share, members who have either will be shown. When you make selections in multiple categories, such as the Veggie share and the Meat share, and Truck 1, only members who have one of those shares and are assigned to Truck 1 will be shown. De-select a checkbox to remove that item from the filter. Clear all selections to view the default list. Note: Truck and Stop options will only be available once you have created and saved them on the Routes tab.
This tab also provides the ability to view and print your Pick List and Driver's Report. When selecting Driver's Report in the View list, you will be given the option of the Default or Summary view. As in the existing Deliveries feature, the Default view lists all boxes for the members who meet your filter criteria, and the Summary view provides the count of each share size. The Pick List shows the count of each item in the qualifying members' boxes. Use the "Download CSV" button to generate a spreadsheet of the results, or press CTRL+P or CMD+P, depending on your operating system, to print the table as it is displayed on your screen.
Viewing and Printing Labels
The Labels available in the Logistics feature have been redesigned to include all relevant member and route information. If this is a member's first delivery from your farm, a welcome message is shown at the top of their main share label.
Products are now listed by their 16-character SKU, with the delivery product name below. The SKU is generated automatically based on the product variant name, unit type, and producer, to help streamline the packing process. You can edit a product's SKU on the fly in the Delivery Builder to a format that better suits your pack line, as long as it is unique to each product variant.
Here is an example of how to read the new labels:
Each Share and Label Group has its own label, and filtering the Labels view by Share Sizes and/or Product Label Groups will display only the labels for the selected share or product. This allows you to print your labels for different items in separate batches if you so desire. Product Label Groups are assigned using the Label Group column in the new Delivery Builder. The Label Group filter can only be used in conjunction with the Share Sizes filters; selecting items from this category alone will not display any labels. To view the labels for only products in a specific Product Label Group, select that group and any Share Sizes that can have those products in them, determined by which share sizes and products were included when you built your deliveries. If there are no members in your delivery meeting your Share Size selections and with products in their boxes that require the separate label, then no labels will be displayed. To view only the labels for products that are NOT designated as requiring a separate label, select your desired Share Sizes and the "default" Product Label Group. Clear all selections to view the complete list.
To print the labels, click the "Print Current Results" button or press CTRL+P or CMD+P. At this time, it is recommended to print the labels using the Chrome browser. There are known issues with the formatting when printing from webpages in Firefox and Safari, which are outside our control.
A note about Uline labels: This format is not yet supported in the Logistics feature. As a workaround, in the print options modal, set the Destination to "Save as PDF" and the Pages Per Sheet to 4. Save the PDF, then print from that file.